Sara Braasch Schmidt was an active member of the Payette FFA Chapter and served as Idaho State FFA President in 1989-90.
Sara participated in the Washington Leadership Conference in 1986 and was a Counselor in 1991 and Director in 1992. She saw WLC as a life changing event personally and for thousands of members who participated while she was on staff. Sara’s goal is to help additional Idaho FFA members participate in this incredible program.
Sara also won the State Public Speaking Career Development Event in 1988 and was grateful for the experience she earned and poise she gained from that competition.
Sara spent her successful career in agriculture and natural resources and often told people her time in FFA is what made everything else possible!
Highlights of Sara’s professional career included service on Capitol Hill during the 1996 Farm Bill for Senator Larry Craig and as Executive Vice President of the Idaho Cattle Association. After that she was appointed by President George W. Bush’s to serve as Regional Assistant Chief of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Beginning in 2011 Sara was President of her own company, Summit Business Solutions.

2018 Sara Braasch Schmidt WLC Scholarship Recipients:

lazie Gilder, Troy FFA Chapter Wyatt Bell, Kuna FFA Chapter
2017 Sara Braasch Schmidt WLC Scholarship Recipients:

Savannah Stroebel, Kuna FFA Chapter

Harrison Jansen van Beek, Middleton FFA Chapter
2016 Sara Braaasch Schmidt WLC Scholarship Recipient: