2021 College Scholarship Recipients

2021 College Scholarship Recipients

 Each year, through the support of generous partners and donors, the Idaho FFA Foundation awards college scholarships to current high school seniors and undergraduate students. This year the Idaho FFA Foundation is proud to award $42,000 to 32 Idaho FFA members from...
MicronGives Program to Give $10 Million in Matched Funds

MicronGives Program to Give $10 Million in Matched Funds

If 2020 showed us anything, it is that agriculture is an essential industry, necessary for survival and prosperity. Now more than ever, we need to support agriculture education in Idaho. These students are the next generation of agriculturists and leaders in Idaho,...
Serving a Community Through Giving

Serving a Community Through Giving

Each year, the Notus FFA serves their local community through their annual Thanksgiving Dinner Basket Food Drive, which provides Thanksgiving dinner boxes to those in need over the holiday season and this year was no different. With a need greater than before, they...

Thankful & Grateful

Any way you slice it, we are thankful for our 2020 supporters who have invested in growing and cultivating the next generation of agriculturists and leaders. Thank you to ALL of our 2020 donors and Star Partners! SAPPHIRE DONORS National FFA Organization J.R. Simplot...
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn

Learning to Do, Doing to Learn

Peyton Stoddard is a member of the Shelley FFA Chapter where she serves as the Shelley FFA Vice President and the South Upper Snake River District Treasurer. Her Supervised Agricultural Experience is Agriculture Placement in vegetable and flower production where she...