Idaho FFA has the financial resources necessary to provide quality programs for agricultural education students and FFA members ensuring student success and a sustainable future for FFA and agricultural education in Idaho.
To promote premier leadership, personal growth and career success of Idaho FFA members and agricultural education students by providing strategic financial resources for the Idaho FFA Association.
To grow the next generation of leaders who will change the world.
Our History: The Idaho FFA Foundation
andand On December 11, 1980 Secretary of State, Pete T. Cenarrusa signed the certificate of incorporation establishing the Idaho Future Farmers of America Foundation, Inc. as 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The name was changed to Idaho FFA Foundation, Inc. later in alignment with the name change by National FFA. Richard C. Waitley was the initial registered agent, and serving as initial trustees were John Mundt, Marvin Stokes, Dr. Rick Foster and Kent Scott.
A dream of FFA members, agriculture teachers and citizens throughout Idaho, the Foundation was created as a vehicle to provide financial security and support to programs and activities of the FFA in Idaho. Agriculture Education and the FFA have been a part of Idaho’s secondary curriculum for over 90 years. Each year more than 6,400 FFA members in 100 Idaho secondary programs benefit from the opportunities afforded them through the FFA.
The Foundation is directed by a Board of Trustees who set Foundation policies, approve the annual budget and fundraising goal, all projects, and see that a review of all finances is conducted annually. The Foundation fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. Contributions are acknowledged in the Foundation Annual Report and made known to FFA members and their parents, agricultural educators, other Foundation contributors and friends of the FFA.
The Foundation Board of Trustees first met on April 4, 1981 in Meridian. Those present were John Mundt, State FFA Advisor (Chairman); Marvin Stokes, State FFA Executive Secretary; Mark Hansen, Past State FFA President; Dave Alders, National FFA Vice President; Jack Kinyon and Don Norris, Idaho FFA Alumni; Merrill Stucki (Vice Chairman), Taylor Powell and Bob Holloway, Foundation Sponsoring Committee Representatives; Glenn Fuller, 1981 State FFA President; DeVere Burton IVATA Representative; Rick Waitley, Executive Secretary; Marty Mundt, Recording Secretary; and Rick Foster, University of Idaho Representative.
A Sponsoring Committee played a big role in the creation and goals of the Foundation. Original Sponsoring Committee members who met April 3, 1981 in Meridian were Bob Holloway (Chairman), Taylor Powell, Fred Beckman, Lawerence (L.V.) Gray, Forrest Hymas, Glenn Orthel, John Davis, Mike Mogensen, Steve Bergland, Lowell Hursh, Eldon Betz, Merrill Stucki, Grant Bickmore, Bruce Koon, and DeVere Burton.
Over the years dozens of individuals have served on the Board of Trustees or Sponsoring Committees impacting the work of the Foundation. We sincerely appreciate their dedication and service.
The current Foundation Board of Trustees meets semi-annually in January and July. Sponsors continue to play an important role on the board and in Foundation success today.
The Foundation builds partnerships with industry, education, government, foundations and individuals to secure resources for the future of education, agriculture and student leader development.
Programs currently receiving Foundation funding include:
- Recognition of State Winners in Competitive Events
- State Winning Career and Leadership Development Event (CDE/LDE) Teams, Public Speaking Winners and National Officer Candidate to compete in National FFA Competition
- State Officer Training, Agribusiness and Industry Tours, Leadership Activities
- State President’s Conference
- State FFA Degrees, State Star Award Program and Proficiency Awards
- Idaho FFA State Convention support including Facilities, Workshops, Career Development Events, Awards and more
- Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) Scholarships
- Post-Secondary Education Scholarships
- Chapter EMERGE grants
- SAE grants
- Other Special Recognition and Special Projects
Email us for a copy of the 2025-2030 Idaho FFA Foundation Strategic Plan.
The Idaho FFA Foundation is proud to endorse the Donor Bill of Rights. We believe that all donors should have full confidence in the Idaho FFA Foundation. Should a donor have a question or concern regarding the work of the Idaho FFA Foundation, they may contact us at Carly@growidahoffa.org or by calling 208-856-0288 or by mail at Idaho FFA Foundation, PO Box 827, Star, ID 83669.